Excerpts of “build/capture 1823-2019” a collaborative screen dance created with textile artist Nancy Julia Hicks. This work premiered at CollabArts Vol.2 in 2019 and was inspired by the power of water. This piece was filmed along the Mississippi River on occupied and unceeded territory of the Dakota People.

Excerpts from a semi-autobiographical solo initially entitled “Don’t Think too Much,” this dance now seeks to find pleasure and power in exhaustion. Don’t you think exhaustion is a good look on me? It becomes you. Thank you to Connecticut College for the space to create and share this work. The performance featured in this video was in memory of Clara Dintaman.

This dance film first appeared as part of an instillation and live performance at the Lyman Allen Museum to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Safe Futures. Pam Gordinier’s instillation, In Their Shoes, was commissioned by the museum for the occasion. Vision by Pam Gordinier. Choreography and performance by Erika Martin. Music by Will Platt. Videography by Emily Green.

Excerpts from a work inspired by ballet, jive, synchronized swimming and the circus, this piece is a labor of love created purely to enjoy. No idea is too much or too ridiculous. This dance was a lot of fun to make and I hope you have just as much fun as you watch!

One of the first works of its kind, this piece was inspired by childhood memories of red clay in North Carolina. The creation of this work was a pivotal moment in the choreographers development of their voice. Inspired by mud and dirt, and the various textures it offers crumbling in your hands, squishing between your toes, in the creek behind my house.

Minneapolis, MN


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